1103-1 Muranaka, Komaki-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan 485-0082
Title of representative
Plant Manager
Yoshiyuki Goto
Hoden Seimitsu Kako Kenkyusho Co.,LTD. Komaki plant
6255-1 Okusa-nenjouzaka,Komaki-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan 485-0802
Title of representative
General Manager Aero Engine Business Division
Yoshiki Hidaka
Participating Company
Tooling, Jig, GSE
Conventional Machining
Sheet Metal Forming
Composite Processing
TIG Welding
3 Dimensional Measurement/Inspection
Conventional Machining as a Special Process/CMSP
Nonconventional Machining and Surface Enhancement/NMSE
Head Office Factory: 248-3 Nakano, Kasamatsu-cho, Hashima-gun, Gifu, 501-6034, Japan
Komaki Factory: 1103-1 Muranaka, Komaki-shi, Aichi, 485-0082, Japan
Facility & Equipment
Large vertical lathe STV-5000C, portal 5-axis multicenter RB-250F, etc. Turning process from 50mm to 5m, 5-axis machining from 10m ........ aluminum, magnesium, copper, titanium, stainless, and nickel alloy, Metal processing of various materials, including CFRP, etc.
PR Point
Capable of responding to various customer needs with technologies
enabling machining of various objects from small objects to large objects
and quality assurance capacity.
Obtained Nadcap certification for conventional machining (drilling)
Obtained Nadcap certification for welding (fusion welding)
Obtained Nadcap certification for nonconventional machining (laser machining)
Nonconventional Machining and Surface Enhancement/NMSE
Head Office:
Innotech Bldg. 11F, 3-17-6 Shinyokohama, Kohokku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 222-8580, Japan
Iiyama Plant:
3110 Iiyama, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-0213, Japan
Nagoya Plant (Chubu business division):
6-783 Sakasita-cho, Kasugai-shi, Aichi, 480-0305, Japan
Facility & Equipment
3 plasma spraying machines (Metco), processing size D800 x W800 x H500 17 diemilling electric discharge machines 4 wire electric discharge machines 3 paint booths 7 baking furnaces, 3 drying furnaces Etching equipment for liquid penetrant inspection Automatic liquid penetrant inspection device Large liquid penetrant inspection equipment 2 electronic beam welders (NEC) 2 vacuum furnaces (ALVAC), processing size D1,100 x W1,200 x H800
PR Point
Capable of high-quality high-adhesion thermal spraying using Triplex gun equipment.
(Obtained Nadcap certification for coating(diffusion coating,thermal spray))
More than 50 years of achievements in production and technology accumulation.
(Obtained Nadcap certification for nonconventional machining(electrical discharge machining (EDM)))
Acquired the technology license from Praxair (US company), capable of handling various coatings,
including heat resistant and corrosion protection.
(Obtained Nadcap certification for chemical processing(dry film coatings))
Capable of large-volume consecutive processing in automatic lines.
(Obtained Nadcap certification for chemical processing(etching))
Capable of handling high sensitivity/super high sensitivity.Acquired Level 3 qualification.
(Obtained Nadcap certification for nondestructive testing(liquid penetrant testing))
Capable of handling large-volume production by installing 2 units of electronic beam welders (NEC).
(Obtained Nadcap certification for welding (electron beam welding))
Capable of highly efficient batch production by installing 2 units of vacuum furnaces (ALVAC).
(Obtained Nadcap certification for heat treating(heat treating processes))
Heiwa Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Tooling, Jig, GSE
Conventional Machining
Conventional Machining as a Special Process/CMSP
Head Office: 2-2-18 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Komagane Plant: 330-13 Akaho, Komagane-shi, Nagano, 399-4117, Japan (Business office)
Facility & Equipment
A number of 5-axis machining centers for aluminum machining A number of 5-axis machining centers for machining difficult-to-machine materials
PR Point
Simultaneous 5-axis machining by utilizing CAM/CATIA and quick product launching.
Obtained Nadcap certification for conventional machining (drilling).